How To Save Someone's Instagram Profile Pic in 2022

How To Save Someone's Instagram Profile Pic

How To Save Someone's Instagram Profile Pic


Instagram is a great way to share photos with your friends and family, but sometimes you need to save the photo. It's easy enough to save an Instagram profile picture, but make sure you know how! Here's how:

Step 1: Go to the Instagram app

  • Go to the Instagram app

  • Tap on the profile pic of the person whose photo you want to save

  • Tap on the three vertical dots (...) at the top right corner of your screen and tap "Go To Post." If a pop-up window appears, tap “Yes” or “OK” to allow access to saved posts from this user's page when they send you a friend request or comment on yours!

Step 2: Tap on the profile pic of the person whose photo you want to save

To save someone's profile pic, tap on it. This will open up a menu where you can choose to save or delete the photo. If you want to replace the photo with another one of your choosing, select "Replace."

If you want to keep this person's Instagram page but not their profile picture (for example, if they have other photos on there), select "Keep as is."

Step 3: Tap on the three vertical dots (...) at the top right corner

Tap on the three vertical dots (...) at the top right corner of your screen.

Tap "Go To Post."

Tap "Save Photo."

Step 4: Tap on "Go To Post"

Once you've arrived at the post, you'll see a button that says "Go to Post". Tap on this button and your Instagram profile picture will appear in a new window. From there, you can either save or delete it from your phone by clicking on "Save" or "Delete".

Step 5: Long press on the profile picture until an option appears

  • Long press on the profile picture until an option appears.

  • You'll be taken to a screen that lets you save or share the photo, choose to add it as a background or add it to your camera roll, or send it as a message.

Step 6: Tap on "Save Photo" and you're done!

Once you've saved the photo, it will be saved to your phone's gallery. You can also save the picture to your camera roll if you want to keep it there. Now that you've got all of this stored on your phone, let's move on to what follows:

  • Sharing Your Personalized Profile Pic With Others

Now that we've saved our own personalized profile pic, let's see how easy it is for other people who like us or follow us online (or offline) to get access too! If someone else has liked one of our posts before—or even better yet if they follow us—they'll see their name at the top right side of their feed when they open up Instagram or Facebook (depending on which platform). This means that anyone clicking around in those apps should see their own profile pic along with ours!

You can save an Instagram profile picture by long pressing it.

You can save an Instagram profile picture by long pressing it.

To save it, tap on the three vertical dots (...) at the top right corner of your screen and select 'Save'.

You can also save a photo by tapping on "Go to Post."


And there you have it! You can now save someone's profile pic from Instagram. This is very useful if you want to share your friend's updates on social media but don't want them to lose their original photo.

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