how to add theme to shopify store step by step guide

how to add theme to shopify store step by step guide

how to add theme to shopify store step by step guide

If you want to add a theme to your shopify store, then it is essential that you understand the basics of the process. In this article we are going to look at how to add a theme in 4 easy steps sthat it becomes easier for you to choose from various themes available in the theme store.

This article will show you how to add a theme to your Shopify store. If you're not familiar with Shopify, it's an ecommerce platform where you can sell any type of goods or services online. You can also add and edit any existing theme on the platform very easily in minutes. Being that Shopify is such a popular platform and has thousands of themes available for download – we're going to teach you how you can add a custom theme to your own Shopify store.

Before we learn how to add a theme to shopify store let’s understand why do you need a theme?

The first thing that you need to know is, why do you need a theme? The appearance of your website is the first thing that catches your visitors’ attention and increases their chances of buying from you.

A theme can be used to create a professional looking website where every single element has been designed in such a way that it looks perfect on any screen size and resolution. It also helps in customizing product pages by adding more information about each product along with images etc., which makes it easy for customers to understand what they are buying before making any purchase decision.

The basic purpose of a shopify theme is to customize your product pages and make it look professional.

The basic purpose of a shopify theme is to customize your product pages and make it look professional.

The appearance of your website is the first thing that catches your visitors’ attention and increases the chances of them buying from you. If they like what they see, they'll probably continue browsing through your store while at the same time making sure there's nothing wrong with how things look or feel before making a purchase decision.

In simple words, the appearance of your website is the first thing that catches your visitors’ attention and increases the chances of them buying from you.

The appearance of your website is the first thing that catches their attention and increases the chances of them buying from you. If the visitor doesn’t like the way your website looks, then they will not buy from you.

A professional look will make it easier for them to find what they need on your site, since most people don't want to click through all sorts of links when trying to find something online (which happens even when I'm looking around my own blog). The more pleasant/cool design elements on a page, like fonts or images (or both), plus a clean layout with well-placed buttons that lead readers directly into content areas makes for an overall better experience for users—and ultimately leads to conversion rates higher than what would otherwise be possible without making those changes first!

Now, we’re going to look at how to add a theme in 4 easy steps

Now, we’re going to look at how to add a theme in 4 easy steps

First of all, login to your Shopify store and click on Online Store from the left side navigation bar. Now click on “themes” option available under it. A new window will open up with a search box at top right corner where you can type any keyword related with your brand name or product name (for example if you have an apparel store then type “apparel” or “clothing”). After entering your desired keywords here select one of them by clicking on its icon given next to each word in case if there are multiple options available for selection then choose one which fits best according t oyour needs based on what kind of products do you sell through this platform like mobile accessories etc., also keep in mind that only one theme per account can be selected as per Shopify terms but still there is no restriction when choosing themes as long as they are compatible with all types of stores supported by them

Step 1 : login to your Shopify store and click on Online Store from the left side navigation bar. Now click on “themes” option available under it.

  • Login to your Shopify store and click on Online Store from the left side navigation bar. Now click on “themes” option available under it.

  • Once you are in themes section, click on Add New Theme button at the top of page. Now enter your theme name in search box and hit Enter key once you have clicked on Search button (you can also type in any keyword that you want).

Step 2 : To select a new theme for your store, click on “Visit themes store” option at the top right corner of the page.

Now that you have created your store, it is time to select a new theme for your store. To do so, click on “Visit themes store” option at the top right corner of the page. You will be redirected to Shopify's theme store where you can browse through endless options available for free and paid themes.

Step 3 : You will be redirected to the Shopify theme store where you can browse through endless options available for free and paid themes.

Once you have chosen the theme that you want to use, you will be redirected to the Shopify theme store where you can browse through endless options available for free and paid themes.

You can search for themes by name, color or category. You can also choose from a list of popular or new themes by clicking on their respective links in the top-right corner of each page. A dropdown menu will appear with some suggestions based on what you've already selected above or below it; this is where you'll find more specific suggestions if there are any available at that moment (e.g., "Newest Themes").

If none of these options seem right for your needs then don't worry! Just keep scrolling until something catches your eye!

Step 4 : If you want to use free themes then simply go with free themes and if you want paid then choose paid themes as per your requirement.

Now you have to choose the theme for your shopify store. There are many themes available in the market and it is important to choose a theme that suits your requirement and budget. If you want to use free themes then simply go with free themes and if you want paid then choose paid themes as per your requirement. It's also important to read reviews before choosing a theme because some of them may not work properly or they will not work at all depending upon their performance after installation on your website.

Takeway: After adding the theme and making all the necessary changes now its time to check how does our website look after adding this new theme

Once you have added the theme, it’s time to check if everything is working fine.

First of all, visit your store and check if everything is working fine. If not then go back to step 1 and try again.

Then visit the store again and make sure that there are no errors in any of the pages like 404 pages or broken links etc., If yes then congratulations! You have successfully added new theme on Shopify Store!


Now you have successfully added the theme to your shopify store so if you are ready to make some changes then click on “My Theme” option at the top right corner of the page.


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